Setting options for Webby

I’m using Webby to manage the static Hand Built Software site, and had a difficult time finding how to set defaults for the webby rake tasks (specifically the deploy:ssh task in this case). Here is what I figured out: you set the values at the top of your project Sitefile like so:

SITE.user = 'tobias' = ''
SITE.remote_dir = '/path/to/site/'
task :default => :build
desc 'deploy the site to the webserver'
task :deploy => [:build, 'deploy:ssh']

For reference, here are the webby defaults which can be overridden (from lib/webby.rb)

  # call-seq:
#    => struct
# Returns a struct containing the configuration parameters for the 
# Webby site. These defaults should be overridden as needed in the
# site specific Rakefile.
return @site if defined? @site
@site =
:output_dir    => 'output',
:content_dir   => 'content',
:layout_dir    => 'layouts',
:template_dir  => 'templates',
:exclude       => %w(tmp$ bak$ ~$ CVS \.svn),
:page_defaults => {
'layout'     => 'default'
:find_by       => 'title',
:base          => nil,
:create_mode   => 'page',
:blog_dir      => 'blog',
:tumblog_dir   => 'tumblog',
# Items for running the heel webserver
:use_web_server => true,
:heel_port      => 4331,
# Items used to deploy the website
:user       => ENV['USER'] || ENV['USERNAME'],
:host       => '',
:remote_dir => '/not/a/valid/dir',
:rsync_args => %w(-av),
# Global options for HAML and SASS
:haml_options => {},
:sass_options => {},
# Options passed to the 'tidy' program when the tidy filter is used
:tidy_options => '-indent -wrap 80',
# List of valid URIs (these automatically pass validation)
:valid_uris => [],
# Options for coderay processing
:coderay => {
:lang => :ruby,
:line_numbers => nil,
:line_number_start => 1,
:bold_every => 10,
:tab_width => 8
# Options for graphviz processing
:graphviz => {
:path => nil,
:cmd => 'dot',
:type => 'png'
# Options for tex2img processing
:tex2img => {
:path => nil,
:type => 'png',
:bg => 'white',
:fg => 'black',
:resolution => '150x150'
# Options for ultraviolet syntax highlighting
:uv => {
:lang => 'ruby',
:line_numbers => false,
:theme => 'mac_classic'
# XPath identifiers used by the basepath filter
:xpaths => %w(
# other possible XPaths to include for base path substitution
#   /html/body//object[@usemap]
#   /html/body//img[@usemap]
#   /html/body//input[@usemap]

Note: this applies to webby 0.9.3