RAILS_ROOT/app Organization
As an app grows, so does the amount of files in app/models
. Here is a simple tip to help reduce the clutter: move mailers, observers, and sweepers out of app/models
into app/mailers
, app/observers
, and app/sweepers
, respectively. For rails to still load them, you will need to modify config/environment.rb
# clean up app/models a bit %w{mailers observers sweepers}.each do |dir| config.load_paths << "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/#{dir}" end
As a bonus, you can now automatically record your observers with ActiveRecord
instead of having to add them individually in environment.rb
config.active_record.observers = Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/observers/*.rb").collect do |filename| filename.split('/').last.split('.').first.to_sym end
. For me, that is not a big deal – I don’t create them often, and manually move them after generation. I suspect it would be trivial to adjust the generators to use the new path, but have not looked in to it.